When I was 8 months pregnant with Seth we went camping as well. Back then I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to get up off the ground after squatting to do my business. Luckily Tyler was near and rescued me. He ended up tying a rope to a tree so that I could pull myself up off the ground. I was not about to go through that again on this trip.
So my toilet was a bucket with a toilet seat that fitted nicely on top, with a biodegradeble bag to store all of the goodies in.
We have a huge tent to sleep in, so I(acctually Tyler) brought an air mattress and memory foam to put on top. Yes I was very comfy, until the time came to hoist myself off the ground about 5x's in the middle of the night to go use my nifty toilet.
While we were driving around looking for a good place to camp, we noticed lots of dark clouds nearby. So we broke out the blackberry only to discover there was a thunderstorm in our near future. Tyler's best friends from college didn't coin the phrase "camping with Tyler is always an adventure!" for no reason.
At this point Seth began to stress because he was worried we wouldn't be able to camp. (Trust me, I was ready to find a nearby hotel.) However, I knew how much Seth wanted to camp, and seeing how it rains most of the time that I camp with Tyler, what is one more time? Oh yeah, except this time I am 8 months pregnant. Aye.
Sure enough as soon as we got our easy-up pitched the storm started. Note, just the easy-up is up, not the tent. Oh and did I mention, we had a great fire, but the rain smothered it? Yep the adventure was beginning.
The storm passed rather quickly (thank goodness), but wait what is that? Are those clouds coming our way? We decided that we would pitch our tent as fast as we could, or we may have to leave for a hotel soon.
As luck would have it, those clouds went around us! Yay! I think God knew we would have to hogtie Seth if we had to give up on our camping trip!
Tyler eventually got the fire going again, and we had a great campfire dinner.
That night was extremely cold!! We didn't expect that!! We barely had enough sleeping bags/blankets to keep warm. My only concern was that I was sharing the air mattress with Morgan, and she is known to wet the bed from time to time. We would not have enough blankets to replace the ones she could potentially soak. She even was worried about it, as she said "I hope I don't wet the tent!"
So, we decided that we would have to wake her in the middle of the night to ensure this wouldn't happen. However, it was so cold I was worried about the struggle that we would have to get her out of the tent. Tyler was great though, he wrapped her up in a blanket, and she hardly even woke up. God was definitely good to us there as well.
The next morning Morgan burst out of her sleeping bag and exclaimed, "I didn't wet the tent, I prayed!" What a cutie.
We spent a lazy morning at the campsite. Took the kids "fishing" nearby. (The lake was empty we found out. The kids had fun anyhow.) Packed up and headed home! We had a great time.
I will post pics soon. Right now I need to head to bed.